Textiles RFID Count Device


An RFID counting device uses RFID tags to automatically count and track items. Counting is done automatically by the device, which is designed to keep track of the number of items carrying RFID tags as they move in front of the reader. RFID counting devices can scan multiple tags even when they are close together. Counting can be done automatically with the help of a handheld RFID reader. This step allows an antenna in the operating room track and count the tools wirelessly, and it can stand up to multiple sterilisations. Tracking and counting smart tool with RFID chip and antenna.


Faster inventory items: RFID can read multiple items at once, speeding inventory. Counters may not need to carry or view each item to count it since the device doesn’t require line of sight. On the contrary, if scanning a label off a box, the counter would need to find where the label is located and aim the barcode scanner at the label.

Higher Efficiency Counts: RFID’s counting technique is less dependent on users scanning things, resulting in higher precision efficiency counts.

More Frequent Counts: Counts can be done more regularly since they are faster and more precise. 

Improved Asset Management: Improve asset utilisation and reduce lost/out-of-stock situations with more accurate asset and inventory management.


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