CQR-JWDS is attractive, lightweight, and simple to install and use. In the shop, gates may be placed on the floor. 2CQR are able to give the gate with any custom design that enhances the interior's attractive appearance. 2CQR Dual Security Gate is integrated with EAS and RFID and Dual Security Gate is commonly utilised in theft prevention. Dual Security Gate has an RFID reader and an AM gate, these gates may be located next to each other. 2CQR RFID Dual Security Gate technology may also be linked with CCTV to provide an extra layer of safety, and it is a viable technology that can function without any outside assistance.
When it comes to diamonds and stones, we must be extra cautious regarding security. 2CQR offers a dual technology security solution to secure the safety of gems and stones. RFID serves as an extra security measure in addition to EAS. So 2CQR dual technology security ensures that each and every jewel within the shop is protected. Connecting the gate's power source and its wiring requires a 1-inch pathway channel and a power outlet.